Elaine Welteroth | Pure Leaf

Pure Leaf believes “No Is Beautiful.” Nearly 2/3 of moms have questioned their value because they were overwhelmed with doing it all.  Household chores, childcare, and job stresses feel endless, and saying “no” to those responsibilities often comes at a real financial cost. 

That’s why we started the “No” Grants: to give women a little extra financial support to help them say “no” to unrealistic expectations. Last year, as part of our $1 million commitment to dismantle the barriers women face when they say “no,” we partnered with SeekHer Foundation, an organization working to dismantle societal expectations that negatively impact women. We created the “No” Grants, a fund providing short-term support to women who want to say “no” more in the workplace. 

Now, in year two, we also brought in maternal care advocate, author, and mother Elaine Welteroth. With $400,000 in grant funding, we hope to alleviate some of the real financial pressures of motherhood. 


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